Domestic and small business customers
Domestic and small business customers who want to passively participate in the DSO Flexibility Market.
Key messages for you:
- Simplified contractual arrangements are key to enabling wider participation and unlocking flexibility from aggregators and suppliers.
- A liquid market requires a fair price for flexibility that reflects the associated local and wider socio-economic benefits and the value obtained freely by other market actors, such as the ESO.
- TRANSITION successfully tested the neutral facilitation of a marketplace can enable the delivery of a variety of flexibility and capacity services and products (delivery timescales).
- Robust digital models of the LV network at the street level form the basis for accurate forecasts that can enable greater uptake of LCTs.

What does DSO mean for you:
- Information on what flexibility means for you and how this can: help you save money or benefit more from your connection, reduce costs and support Net Zero.
- Accurate information on the necessary changes, costs, and timeframes, and what we need from you.
- Put in processes to safely handle and use customer data.

The key learnings from TRANSITION and what we are doing next…
Key Learnings and Outcomes
- Flexibility from LCTs in your home or business, e.g., from heat pumps, may be small individually, but added together can make a significant contribution to Net Zero.
- Third parties (e.g., aggregators) can help you participate in the market, allowing you to make money from your connection.
- Understanding how electricity is used on our network and when, helps us to connect more LCTs, including solar panels and Electric Vehicle chargers at your homes.
- The capabilities developed through TRANSITION can help us to manage our network more efficiently (making your money work harder).
- TRANSITION has developed a ‘Plain English’ approach to simplify the key terms and concepts of the DSO TRANSITION.

What are we doing next?
- Use flexibility to speed up connections and improve the efficiency of the existing network.
- Reduce barriers to entry to ensure all customers can take part and benefit from the DSO transition.
- Increasing our LV network monitoring, where beneficial, to improve visibility of the network and deliver insights to customers.
- Use flexibility to mitigate against network issues before you know about them.
- Offer more communication channels and learn about your needs to improve our services.

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