TRANSITION is a five-year Network Innovation Competition (NIC) funded project exploring the market and technology elements of flexibility within the electricity system.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) is the lead partner on the TRANSITION project and the electricity distribution arm of the FTSE-50 energy company, SSE. We serve over 3.9 million customers across the diverse and unique geographies of the north of Scotland, and central southern England.
The communities we serve depend on us to deliver a safe, reliable supply of electricity to their homes and businesses so they can thrive today and for us to deliver the infrastructure to create a net zero tomorrow. Find out more here:
The TRANSITION project has been core to SSEN’s transition to adopting Distribution System Operations (DSO), as it has explored how communities can have the opportunity to support efficient use of their local electricity infrastructure, manage their own energy bills and help deliver net zero cost effectively. SSEN’s shift from DNO to DSO is well underway, with the business developing the flexibility products, markets and connections that will support net zero. Read more about our DSO transition here. TRANSITION has delivered learnings that are central to SSEN’s thinking.
TRANSITION’s aims have been to:
- Inform the design requirements of a DSO-facilitated flexibility marketplace and network interface.
- To develop the roles, responsibilities and rules within the marketplace and implement
- Test these requirements through a programme of trials in Oxfordshire.
TRANSITION is funded through Ofgem’s Network Innovation Competition, which supports the transition from Distributed Network Operator (DNO) to Distribution System Operator.