Three Project TRANSITION webinars taking place, have you registered?
Our Innovation team are hosting three engagement event webinars, with the first two aimed at potential vendors of the DSO enabling tools the TRANSITION Project will develop and test, with the third webinar aimed at a wider industry level and covering both areas.
The first webinar covers the Neutral Market Facilitation platform enabling network services to be procured and the ability for interested parties to trade peer to peer, while the second coordinates the output from the market(s) with network asset capabilities and the real time situation to ensure engineers have the information they need to make informed network decisions. If you are interested in the TRANSITION project and want to hear more about what we are doing, then the webinar on the 6th November still has spaces available also.
We would like to invite you to participate in our webinar event, hosted by SSEN and our project partner CGI. Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) has been successful in winning two innovation competitions, TRANSITION and LEO, that will inform the work being undertaken by the Energy Network Association’s Open Networks Project, a major energy industry initiative that will transform the way our energy networks work and underpin the delivery of the DSO and the smart grid.
Based on the Open Networks Project Market Models the project will help progress the change to a DSO by developing and demonstrating a Market Platform to test the operation of the these market models. The project has defined the baseline requirements for a Market Platform, which will be implemented and tested in future DSO trials. The Market Platform is split in across two areas, the first, the Facilitation platform defines the requirements for trading of flexibility between the DSO and flexibility providers, and facilitates peer to peer trading. The second, the Co-ordination platform details the functionality required to support engineers of the future to make informed network decisions.
In advance of the event, further information on the Requirement Specification for both the Facilitation and Co-ordination platforms, these can be found in the library section of the project website.
The documents are titled:
“Whole System Co-ordination Requirement Specification”
“Neutral Market Facilitation Requirement Specification”
To Register: