Reports TRANSITION and Project LEO Market Trials Report – Period 3 (Ofgem)
TRANSITION and Project LEO Market Trials Report – Period 3 (Ofgem)
This report focuses on Trial Period 3 (TP3), building on the learnings from TP13 and TP24 and informing and informing the future of Business as Usual (BaU) services. Through TP3, the focus has been increasing market participants’ involvement (both traditional and non-traditional Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and organisations) and gaining feedback on the variety of products and services available, including:
- An increased number of auctions across all service types – significantly more auctions were run for the Dynamic Constraint Management (DCM) and Secure Constraint Management (SCM) services.
- An increased number of procurement horizons – season ahead and week ahead auctions were introduced for the SCM service; and week ahead and day ahead auctions were introduced for the Trading Import Capacity (Exceeding MIC) and Trading Export Capacity (Exceeding MEC) services.
- Auctions were run at Primary Substations – market participants could participate in an auction at primary level for the SCM, Sustain Export Peak Management (SEPM) and Sustain Peak Management (SPM) services.
- Market Participants could stack services – market participants could stack SCM with SPM services as per the Flexibility Service Agreement (FSA).